Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 23: Cuteness On The Move

"The "Checkerboard Aussies" Fabulous Four are on the "move".  All that cuteness? really check out Semah & Bindi on the sidelines watching Sprite beat up her sister, Lunette.  Never mind double the trouble, it is quadtriple now they are on the "move".  Never be "fooled" by the photos with all those looks of innocence, as there is always more behind the scenes."

Now onto more news of the "week".  

"Missy Mercedes & Buddy hopefully have made a good "match" with promise of an upcoming first time litter for both them on or about the 28th of April, 2013.  It will be pretty exciting in another month's time, with our paws crossed it naturally "took"."

Springtime is getting to be more exciting around here all the time.  Speaking of which, has anyone seen Spring yet????

The "Checkerboard Aussies" Fabulous Four, Missy Mercedes & Buddy.


  1. I am guessing with this litter there will be only black and whites, no browns or beiges?

  2. Adorable!

    And spring? I've heard of it, but here in Minneapolis, we are still covered in snow.

    It's coming, though. :-) Oh, yes, it's coming.


    1. Thanks Pearl ! we are patiently awaiting Spring here as we too are still covered in Snow.
