Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Lunette Update

 We are "tickled pink" Lunette's Forever Home Mama, Jamilyn, is settled in their new home and has sent us some new Lunette photos !!!

"Lunette gets out and about, has chewies at her disposal, and apparently also gets to lounge in bed when she desires to."

"Really now how could you ever say "no" to a face like this?"

Thanks Jamilyn, we look forward to you sharing more of Lunette with us as she grows and keeps touching your heart every day.

Cindy, Owner/Breeder of The "Checkerboard Aussies".


  1. Awww...Lunette is adorable!

  2. Oh my, she is a beauty. When I was a young girl, my dog would sleep in the bed. She's put her head on the pillow and I'd cover her up to her little doggie arms, lol, it was hysterical.

    The Checkerboard Aussies are so pretty!! I really didn't know until I started visiting here. :)
