This week "Peanut" has been front stage & center...
Monday afternoon, in all of Tesla's excitement, she was jumping up & down in the whelping pen, landing on sweet wee Peanut, resulting in a badly sprained/bruised leg.
You can't keep an injured puppy in with 9 other rambunctious siblings, so what else would you do? of course keep her with you giving her the 5 Star treatment, right?
Peanut has been a pleasure to have upstairs with us. The only peeps that come out of her, the past 5 days, is to whimper to go to the bathroom. She's only had one accident in her "basket", which I am pretty certain I was busy, with Rob sitting right there &, let's give him the benefit of the doubt, didn't hear her. Hopefully, he doesn't know I have restarted the Checkerboard Aussie's Blog, & maybe he won't read this. Oh oh because if he does I might be in "doggie do do" for pointing a finger at him, and that wouldn't be in my best interest...
Are you ready for the MOST ADORABLE photos coming your way????

What a cutie.